Client-Provider Relationship
Client-Provider Relationship
What is the therapeutic relationship?
The therapeutic relationship is the connection and relationship developed between the provider and client over time. Without the therapeutic relationship there can be no effective or meaningful interaction. A strong bond is crucial to the success of mental health services. It can be especially valuable to clients who may have struggled forming relationships in their past, and those who experienced traumatic events in their early years, leading them to find it difficult to form relationships in adulthood.
What are the characteristics of the therapeutic relationship?
The therapeutic relationship has many components and varies between each individual relationship. However, there are some common themes and characteristics which I have listed below
It is crucial that the mental health provider be a ‘real’ human being, meaning that they are able to freely and deeply be themselves, not an all-knowing expert. They must be a real person who can relate to another genuinely.
Care and warmth
When meeting a new mental health provider, there can be a sense of fear, trepidation, and nervousness. Therefore, it is crucial that your provider provides an environment that feels warm, caring, and safe, for the client to feel they can share their feelings, ideas, and thoughts.
This is the provider’s ability to recognize, identify and understand the situation their client is experiencing and to understand their feelings, ideas, and motivations. This is the basis and foundation for a therapeutic relationship because it establishes a personal connection between the provider and client, allowing the client to see their provider hears them, values, and understands their needs.
Trusting and a non-judgmental attitude
For a therapeutic relationship to develop, grow and flourish, it is crucial a client feels their provider is trustworthy. For clients who find it difficult to open up or explore their feelings due to worrying that it is not safe for them to do so, it matters greatly that they can feel confident that their provider will not judge them.
Insight and experience
The insight and experience of a mental health provider allows them to understand at more depth, things that may have been said to draw attention to language used, or a certain way that a client may be presenting within any given session. It is also important to note that experience and insight of a client is also hugely important. A provider and client may be two very different people from different walks of life, but in this relationship evolves the ability to understand, sharing experiences and to find new knowledge emerging.